We all need to Hemp it Up

There’s one new healthy food product coming out of Angus that you should be introducing into your diet. It’s made from a crop that used to be commonplace across Angus for centuries, although for most of us it will be a relatively new addition to the menu. Keen to learn more about this wonderful (and not

We need to keep talking about Scotland’s local abattoir network

In October last year we saw a debate on the state of Scotland’s local abattoir network at the Scottish Smallholders Festival. The room was packed with farmers and smallholders seriously concerned by the situation: we are now down to just over 20 abattoirs in Scotland following the closure of Downfield Farm Abattoir in Fife. The

Foraging Fortnight – 3rd-18th September

The recent pandemic has made consumers reassess what is important – 48% of consumers think sustainability is more important (Kantar 2021) and 85% of UK consumers have adopted at least one lifestyle change (Deloitte, April 2021).  There is a greater interest in local culinary culture & sustainability, and people are looking for ‘experiences’.  Current food


THRIVE is a free collaborative initiative from SRUC, Queen Margaret University and Abertay University, supporting the next generation of food & drink and rural enterprise entrepreneurs. Following a successful first year in 2021, we have developed another exciting programme for THRIVE in 2022. THRIVE will run on two consecutive Saturdays – an online Business Skills day on 5

Menu Food and Drink Awards 2022 – Entries Close July 10th

A reminder that The Menu Food & Drink Awards, are open and applications will close on July 10th. In the most recent awards, which was postponed due to covid, two awards were won by Appetite for Angus members which is fantastic to see. Firstly, Independent Coffee Shop of the Year was won by the Wee

Chef Management & Leadership Training Programme

Secure FREE places for your business on the Chef Management & Leadership Training Programme Do your head chefs and aspiring head chefs have the knowledge and skills needed to manage, motivate and retain staff effectively? With chefs traditionally having been promoted because of their culinary skills, many haven’t received the management and leadership development that

Beyond the Boat – Diversifying seafood businesses in 2022

Seafood Scotland has launched an innovation programme to stimulate new seafood tourism initiatives. The pilot will see the trade body work with organisations to explore and support business diversification and to establish new tourism opportunities for the Scottish seafood industry. The ambition is to inspire seafood organisations to exploit the huge growth in food tourism

Hospitality Industry Talent Development Programme

Hospitality Industry Trust Scotland (HIT) are running a programme funded by the Scottish Government for leaders and potential leaders in the tourism and hospitality sector. It is to aid the industry’s continued recovery by allowing more people the opportunity to improve their people management skills to better lead their businesses and teams. If you are